Scale H0 - 3.5 mm
Control DCC
Location Busy Mainline on the border of America and Canada
Period 1950's - 2000's 
Layout Size 32' x 16'
Motive Power Steam and Diesel

Typical Taffic Passenger and Freight
Contact John Pickles & John Shelley

Shelly's Landing is an imaginary location on the America/Canada border somewhere in America.

Shelly's Landing has a small town nearby, alongside the extensive freight yards where switching freights takes place. The yard is also equipped with a 'car float', a barge capable of transporting freight cars 'Up River' to another yard.

The overall size of the layout is 32ft long by 18ft wide. The DCC system used is Gaugemaster Prodigy, with both wired and wireless handsets. Almost all locomotives are equipped with sound chips, from various manufacturers. 

The layout was built by John Pickles and John Shelley. 

Please enjoy your visit. We are available for exhibitions.

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